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The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur

By American entrepreneur Mike Michalowicz

Publicado por LauraSL
martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013 a las 03:49

The American author, entrepreneur, lecturer, and television personality Mike Michalowicz presents and useful, so raw and entertaining book konws as The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur, where the former monthly columnist for The Wall Street Journal's small-business section states that hard-line traditional business planning is ineffective and often detrimental; and that successful growth of a business requires a dynamic planning method, called a 3 Sheet Strategy.


Like Michalowicz said: "It is real. It is raw. It is entrepreneurship. Never started a company before? Struggling with little or no cash? Have no experience, no baseline to judge your progress against? Thank God! You’ve got a shot at making this work."


Some growth techniques that you will find in this book are about argues the leap frogging strategy of significantly pushing ahead in one area of innovation, either convenience, price or quality. Where the author shows examples of this, including the rise and fall of Netflix, Blockbuster and Redbox.


Also in The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur, Michalowicz some times pulls from his own entrepreneurial background, explaining how funding actually hampered his company's growth. Ultimately it was the lack of investment funds that helped his businesses grow quickly and healthily.


·· Mike Michalowicz's official website.


·· Mike Michalowicz's biography.


·· Mike Michalowicz's blog.


--- The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur 1st Chapter.

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