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Lead To Win Program. Canada's National Capital Region

Business development program with the objective to establish and grow businesses

Publicado por LauraSL
sábado, 19 de octubre de 2013 a las 18:47

Lead To Win is an award winning business development program with the objective to establish and grow businesses in Canada's National Capital Region. Initially, the Lead To Win (LTW) program was founded to develop technology based business, but over time the program has grown to also encompass all growth-oriented businesses. The goal has remained the same: each business is to generate a minimum of six jobs in the next three years.

Invest Desk for entrepreneurs

Invest Desk is developing a database of qualified investors who provide us with information about their investment preferences. Considering your needs for type and size of investment, they closely match you with the appropriate investors. They are saving you time and helping you get the money needed faster by matching you with the right investor

All the information about Lead To Win (LTW) program

Apply to Lead To Win

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