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StartUp EU. Be A High Tech Entrepreneur

Online game to allow secondary school students explore and develop an entrepreneurial spirit and attitudes

Publicado por LauraSL
viernes, 04 de octubre de 2013 a las 04:03

The StartUp EU Project (Be A High Tech Entrepreneur) is an European Union co-funded initiative and is designed to motivate secondary school students by replicating the excitement and creative innovation of a new startup company. Using an educational game, students will develop entrepreneurial skills on a Web2.0 technology platform; they will learn about entrepreneurship through inspiring and thought-provoking videos, online workbooks covering business and marketing plans and presentation skills.

An European Union project within the Lifelong Learning Programme of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Union. And is developing an innovative online game to allow secondary school students explore and develop an entrepreneurial spirit and attitudes. The game is unique as it will ask students to not only come up with a great, creative idea, but show how they will turn their idea in to a real business, just like a real world entrepreneur.

The platform will include, communications, partner finding, inspirational videos, online materials, competition submission, and online presentation tools.


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