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UBI Index: University Business Incubator

European research initiative for assist incubators to become more efficient and competitive

Publicado por LauraSL
viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013 a las 23:23

UBI Index is a European research initiative established to assist incubators around the world to become more efficient and competitive. Based in Stockholm with an international research team, UBI Index has successfully released the first benchmark report of best university incubators around the world. In the Global Benchmark of 2013, 150 incubators from 22 countries participated in the research.

Joining the network and using their benchmark services you will:

- Learn about global trends and best practices

- Improve through actionable insights

- Get recognized for your performance amongst your peers

Benchmark Report of 2013

The Global Benchmark 2013 report is the worlds first Global index to benchmark performance and best practices of University Business Incubators. Here you’ll discover the best practices at the top university incubators, their drivers of success, detailed benchmark on 50+ performance indicators and much more.

Global Top List 2013

The Global Benchmark 2013 report is the worlds first Global index to benchmark performance and best practices of University Business Incubators.

2.062 visitas

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