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Planet Dealflow Canada

Web portal and matching service of angel investors seeking investments, with entrepreneurs seeking capital

Publicado por LauraSL
martes, 17 de septiembre de 2013 a las 17:17

PlanetDealflow.ca is the Canadian web based portal and matching service of angel investors seeking investments, with entrepreneurs seeking capital. The site is owned by Dealflow Solutions Ltd. which has created the site in response to the growing demand of Canadian angel investors to invest in things that are more tangible, predictable and offer higer potential returns. Planet Dealflow provides the place to choose a growing variety of investment opportunities.

Here are some of the advantages for entrepreneurs of using their service:

· They are focused on a nationwide group of Canadian investors unlike traditional Angel groups that tend to be very locally oriented.

· They offer the choice of having access to foreign investors.

· They accept a wide range of proposals in both dollar terms and industry groupings. Most Angel groups are only interested in higher value "tech/internet/health science" deals.

· Can be largely accomplished from your own home.

· It is often less complicated dealing with individual investors as opposed to Angel groups.

Entrepreneur Registration

The web portal offer four Entrepreneur packages. You can either pay zero upfront (Standard package) or you can choose a prepaid fee package that offers enhanced services (Express, Express Plus or Global Express Plus).

Investor Registration

There is a minimal fee required to register as a qualified angel investor.

2.322 visitas

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