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Accelerate your Cross-border Engagement with ACE

Accelerating Cross-border Engagement

Publicado por LauraSL
martes, 17 de septiembre de 2013 a las 04:47

Launched in September 2013, ACE (Accelerating Cross-border Engagement) aims to help innovative ICT start-ups, SMEs and entrepreneurs accelerate their growth through rapid expansion into other European markets. SMEs must be fully engaged in the innovation process and in the ICT sector in particular meaning they must be connected with potential users, partners and clients at a global level.

The ACE programme will provide innovative start up and high growth ICT . The project involves 14 leading incubators, clusters and living labs across Europe.

What the ACE programme will do:

- Provide innovative start ups and high growth ICT companies with direct assistance in finding partners, clients and financing to accelerate their move into cross border and international markets.

- The ACE programme is international and open calls for candidates will be launched throughout Europe through relevant European networks and associations.

-Companies selected will be assigned a lead mentor from the partner organisation in their own country. This ‘local’ mentor will guide them through the overall ACE programme, develop an individual internationalisation action plan with them and put an internationalisation support team and package of support measures in place for them.

- Unsuccessful applicants will be provided with customised feedback and encouraged to use the ACE online platform to engage with other companies through the online stakeholder community and to use the online tools to prepare for internationalisation and subsequent cycles of the ACE programme.

SOURCE: www.ebn.be

·· For more information, contact : EBN, Margaret Mulligan; [email protected]

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