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Winning Without Losing: Inspiring a new age of entrepreneurship

66 Strategies for Building a Wildly Successful Business While Living a Happy and Balanced Life

Publicado por LauraSL
jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013 a las 04:57

Start-up Danish guru Martin Bjergegaard and Canadian entrepreneurship enthusiast Jordan Milne co-authored Winning Without Losing: 66 Strategies for Succeeding in Business While Living a Happy and Balanced Life, one of the Amazon business bestseller list in 2013. In the book, they propose 66 strategies to help people build successful businesses while also managing to lead a balanced and happy life.


Martin Bjergegaard founded in 2005 Frokost.dk, an online platform for lunch deliveries to companies, that today it has a solid profit and revenues in excess of 13 million Euros, is the co-founder of the successful start up factory Rainmaking, is part of the crowdfunding platform for charities called BetterNow, and also behind the leading European accelerator program Startupbootcamp.


Jordan Milne is a co-founder of zatista.com, one of the premier sources for original art online, and an advisor to Emot.io. Previously he was a Contributing Editor at NYC based financial magazine AiCIO. Jordan also spent some time working for a Venture Capital backed media start-up in London.


The idea of the book is shows you strategies you can use to improve your efficiency exponentially, thereby releasing enough time and energy to enjoy all the great things that life has to offer.


-- The book is divided into 7 sections:

· Efficiency Boosters

· When the Road is Rough

· Take Action

· New Ways of Doing Old Things

· Balance by Design

· Beware of the Time and Energy Wasters

· A New Mindset


According to the authors, when they met, they discovered that were both looking for the same thing. They decided that the best way to figure out if their dream was possible was to see if there were individuals living that dream and if there were, they needed to talk to them. They looked all over the world and did indeed find them. After speaking with them they gathered their advice and broke it down into tips they could both use as well as share with others. This book is the result.


Free Winning Without Losing mini ebook

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