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Open Network Lab acceleration program

Pitch your idea to angel investors and venture capitalists from Singapore to United States

Publicado por LauraSL
martes, 27 de agosto de 2013 a las 17:34

Open Network Lab is a seed acceleration program in Japan, similar to Y Combinator and TechStars, established by Netprice.com, Digital Garage, and Kakaku.com.

Also knows as The Seed Accelerator Program, provides seed funding (¥2M) and a three-month mentorship driven incubation program for entrepreneurs aiming to build a global technology startup.

The Onlab philosophy focuses on bringing products to market fit through data and design, and also to engage with members of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Japan and in Silicon Valley. They are interested in young companies (under 2 years since founding) or teams, with a strong business plan and high technical skills.

For the selected teams, they provide office space and various facilities. They also provide mentorship and advice from experienced engineers, entrepreneurs, and investors. After the completion of the program, the teams will be provided with opportunities for fundraising from domestic and international venture capitalists and entrepreneurs.

Startups that complete the program will have a chance to pitch their product to angel investors and venture capitalists from Singapore and United States.

They will be accepting applications for the Winter 2014 program starting from early in October.


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