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B2B Networking Event

Promoting Business Partnerships in Greece

Publicado por admonESHIP
jueves, 21 de febrero de 2013 a las 14:08

The aim of the event is to promote business partnerships between Greek and European companies active in sectors identified as key contributors to achieving Growth in Greece. The event is organized in the framework of an initiative of Vice President Antonio Tajani in cooperation with the Greek Ministry for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport & Networks and the support of the Enterprise Europe Network – Hellas.

The B2B will focus on:

* Agrifood / Food processing

* Construction, Materials and Key Enabling Technologies

* Energy

* Information & Communication Technologies

* Pharmaceuticals / Health sciences

* Tourism

Cluster to Cluster sessions

In parallel to the B2B meetings, a Cluster to Cluster (C2C) session will be organized which is initiated by DG Enterprise to foster collaboration between European and Greek cluster managers in a number of sectors of common interest. This C2C session will create the change to explore new opportunities for cooperation with Greek high-tech companies working in the following thematic areas:

- Green energy and resource efficiency

- Mobile applications

- Creative industries & gaming

- Microelectronics

- Biotech

A cluster manager can be accompanied by a number of cluster SMEs which may also participate in the B2B event.

Why to participate

The event will be a unique opportunity for enterprises aiming at:

* reaching the Greek market and its key players

* examining business and investment opportunities in Greece

* establishing cross-border contacts

Agenda: Day 1 & 2 - Conference & Bilateral Meetings

Language: English

Costs: Free of charge

Date: 12 March 2013

Dates for your agenda

Deadlines Tasks

25 Feb Registration and submission of a cooperation profile

26 Feb - 4 Mar Online selection of face-to-face meetings

Mon, 11 March Conference (12:30 - 18:00)

Tue, 12 March Bilateral meetings (11:30 - 18:30)

All companies that would like to participate should register via the website. B2B Networking Event

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