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European Coworkings EOI

Convocatoria EOI

Program to support the creation of innovative companies with an international profile

Hasta el viernes, 15 de marzo de 2019 a las 23:59

Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI)

Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI)

Publicado el lunes, 18 de febrero de 2019 a las 09:34

The international startup pre-acceleration program European Coworkings EOI reaches its fifth edition. Fifty entrepreneurs will have mentoring and training by experts and will enjoy a five-week stay in European centers to promote and internationalize their projects.

The aim of European Coworkings EOI, a free program for participants, is to support the creation of innovative Spanish-based companies with an international profile. So far, more than 200 entrepreneurs have gone through this initiative, promoted by the EOI School of Industrial Organization with the co-financing of the European Social Fund (ESF) and the collaboration of support networks for entrepreneurs Impact Hub, EBN and ANCES.


Open call for entrepreneurs with a business project at an early stage of development, or with a recently created company (no more than 36 months). 50 entrepreneurs are estimated to be able to participate in this call, coming from the following regions:

Estremadura Andalusia, Castilla La Mancha, Murcia, Canary Islands and Melilla
Projects from any sector can be chosen, although ten places will be reserved for those focused on green economy and circular.

Have a business project at an early stage of development, or a recently created company (no more than 36 months)

Have a sufficient level of English to follow all the training and mentoring activities.
Have the technical preparation to develop the acceleration project and a great motivation and commitment to the program.
Want to improve your skills and abilities to accelerate your business project.
To have the availability and compatibility to follow the training actions, both in its virtual part as in its face-to-face part in the European center (pets are not allowed in the stay in Europe).

REGISTRATION PERIOD: until next March 15, 2019

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mary88 - 22-02-19

European Coworkings EOI

Muchas gracias por la información! La verdad es que este artículo me viene perfecto porque justo ahora mismo un compañero y yo estamos a punto de crear una nueva empresa. Espero que estas ayudan nos den el empujoncito final para arrancar. Dejo aquí este artículo que he visto que ayudará a más de uno también.


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