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CLANER and Andalusian maritime clusters join forces to promote marine energies

Blue Deal - CEEI Valencia

Blue Deal - CEEI Valencia

Publicado el lunes, 28 de junio de 2021 a las 10:20

The presidents of the Andalusian Renewable Energy Association (CLANER), Alfonso Vargas, the Cadiz Naval Maritime Cluster, José Luis García Zaragoza, and the Andalusian Marine Maritime Cluster, Javier Noriega, have signed a collaboration agreement to promote the offshore wind energy installation projects planned in Andalusia by jointly strengthening the Andalusian shipbuilding industry together with the promoting capacity of the regional clean energy sector.

The signed framework agreement includes among its lines of action the following: to share platforms for generating projects and innovations in the marine energy field, a technical collaboration for the promotion of renewable energies as a vector of change in the energy model, and to jointly explore development and intervention opportunities in Andalusia where there is a potential for offshore wind energy of more than 11,000 megawatts, according to the "Study of the potential of Renewable Energies in Andalusia" recently published by the Junta de Andalucía.      

The president of CLANER underlined that “Andalusia has the largest wind resource in the sea in all of Spain and with all the business and investment capacity necessary for the optimal development of wind installations. We only need the firm support of all public administrations to make the implementation effective and real, so that the benefits of the development of this technology can revert to Andalusian citizens as a whole”.

The president of the Cadiz Naval Maritime Cluster stressed that “the Andalusian community currently has a golden opportunity to use and boast a strong and consolidated industry such as shipbuilding, which has all the knowledge and competitiveness to provide innovative solutions worldwide and, of course, to lead the offshore wind projects planned in Andalusia”.

Also, Javier Noriega, president of the Andalusian Marine Maritime Cluster,  indicated that “it is needed the creation of a common maritime strategy in Andalusia, following the triple helix model that we defend from the Andalusian Marine Maritime Cluster and by the guidelines of the marine maritime strategy that establishes guidelines by which we highlight the need and demand in Andalusia for renewable marine energies since we have all the necessary elements for their implementation, sun, wind and tides, making our region a national benchmark in this sector ”.

The signing ceremony took place at the Navantia Training Center facilities, a new training and convention centre recently opened by Navantia in San Fernando (Cádiz), which makes the company a witness to the firm commitment between the signatory entities.

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