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Worldwide apps that will contribute to your grow and success

Mobile and web apps that can get you visible, organized and connected

Publicado por LauraSL
viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2013 a las 19:50

These mobile and web apps can get you visible, organized and connected, and they will likely contribute to your business success. Mobile apps have been around for some time and there are a lot of possibilities around the developing market. Today we recommend a list of apps that will help in the development and consolidation of your business, facilitate customer relations, expand marketing opportunities for your product or service, and develop new and innovative ways to network around the world.


BASECAMP: Project management application based in the cloud. It allows you to control a whole project from one page, creating to-do lists, storing files and holding discussions with colleagues.


BUMP: A networking app that allows entrepreneurs to ditch traditional business cards in favor of virtual ones. Since its inception in 2008, the BUMP app has garnered over 8 million monthly users and 27 million downloads.


DESK.COM: A customer support service allowing you to simultaneously track your e-mails, social media and texts to ensure you can keep organised when managing customer queries.


WORKSHARE: Employees will be able to synchronize files between the Workshare platform. Also helps employees collaborate more readily from the road with real-time insight into file updates, comments and access for all collaborating parties on any device, from any location.


REEDER: Allows you to sync with Fever, Google Reader and Readability to keep up-to-date with the latest and most relevant news to you. Also allows you to track and combine relevant news stories so you can easily see the popular topic on your streams and keep on top of the news.


LIVE MINUTES: Free web conferencing solution which allows you to simultaneously chat, edit, share and create documents, brainstorm ideas and make notes. It can also connect with DropBox to store documents created in the meeting.


EVERNOTE: For many companies that rely on collaboration, the simplified billing, enhanced support and additional Business Notebook features in this iTunes classic make the application a “must upgrade” product for 2013.


QUICKBOOKS ONLINE MOBILE: Allows you to access and update your QuickBooks Online account through your mobile. New updates now include stock control and mobile banking which ensure that your finances can be constantly kept up to date. For iPhone is the easy-to-use free mobile companion app that syncs with QuickBooks Online on the web to let you manage customers, invoices, expenses, vendors, payments, estimates, and sales receipts.


TWEETDECK: By Twitter, allows you to keep up to date with all your social media accounts simultaneously. The deck allows you to update several social media websites and also view multiple accounts on each website at the same time.

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